High blood pressure seldom causes symptoms until it causes clogged arteries, and then the first hint of a problem comes in the form of a heart attack or stroke. At South Brooklyn Care in the Brighton Beach neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York, Elvira Neculiseanu, MD, and Aleksandre Toreli, MD, identify your risk factors. They work to help you prevent the disease when possible and create individualized blood pressure management plans to support your health and well-being. Call the office or request an appointment online today for comprehensive high blood pressure care.
High blood pressure (hypertension) can’t be cured. Once hypertension develops, you must manage it by lowering your blood pressure and keeping it in the normal range.
High blood pressure damages artery walls without consistent management, creating rough areas that snag cholesterol and fats circulating through your bloodstream. This buildup is called plaque.
As the plaque enlarges, the artery narrows and restricts blood flow. This condition, called atherosclerosis, leads to severe problems, including:
Without blood pressure management, these conditions put you at risk of heart attacks, strokes, kidney failure, and leg wounds that won’t heal.
High blood pressure develops over years of unhealthy lifestyle habits. Your risk of developing this chronic condition is higher if you:
Though not as common, health conditions like sleep apnea and kidney disease can cause high blood pressure. Getting early treatment for these conditions lowers your risk.
Your provider begins by evaluating your medical history and lifestyle and completing a physical exam. To reach and maintain normal blood pressure, your provider creates a care plan that includes:
It’s essential to reverse the unhealthy lifestyle habits that cause hypertension. Your provider at South Brooklyn Care creates a lifestyle plan that meets your individual needs, which can include changing your diet, losing weight, or taking other necessary steps to lower your blood pressure.
Lifestyle changes might be all you need to lower your blood pressure. But if the lifestyle approach doesn’t bring your blood pressure into the normal range, or you have dangerously high blood pressure, you’ll need to take medication.
Call South Brooklyn Care today or request an appointment online for blood pressure screening and high blood pressure management.